FRC 2010 Protocol Reverse Engineered by Peter Johnson, FRC Team 294 DS -> Robot: UDP Robot Dst Port 1110 1024 bytes total Sent every 20 ms 0x0-0x49: FRCCommonControlData (80 bytes) - version "10020800" for 2010 DS 1.1 ( 0x50-0x72: ? ... 0x73 - ?: dynamic blocks (e.g. DriverStationEnhancedIO status_block_t, control_block_t) Each dynamic block: 0x0: 8-bit size (number of bytes in block following this one) 0x1: 8-bit id 0x3f8 - 0x3fb: 0 0x3fc - 0x3ff: big endian CRC32 of 0-0x3ff (with 0 in CRC field) Robot -> DS: UDP DS Dst Port 1150 1024 bytes (1152 if setUserDsLcdData() called) Sent immediately after DS packet received (in response) 0x0: current control byte (echoed copy of FRCCommonControlData.control) 0x1: Battery voltage (integer portion in BCD) 0x37 if no code 0x2: Battery voltage (fractional portion in BCD) 0x37 if no code 0x3: DS Digital outputs 0x4-0x7: ? 0x8-0x9: teamID (big endian integer) 0xa-0xf: cRIO MAC address, in order, as bytes (e.g. 00,80,2f,11,4d,ac) 0x10-0x17: FPGA version? "06300800" 0x18-0x1d: ? 0x1e-0x1f: current command packet index (echoed copy of FRCCommonControlData.packetIndex) 0x20: User Data update number (from setStatusData()) 0x21-0x24: User string length (32-bit big endian) 0x25 - X: User string - setStatusData() userDataHigh X+1 - X+4: Error string length (32-bit big endian) X+5 - Y: Error string - setErrorData() Y+1 - Y+4: User data length (32-bit big endian) Y+5 - 0x3d7: User data - setStatusData() userDataLow 0x3d8 - 0x3f7: overrideIOConfig() data (DSEIO status_block_t), followed by 0s 0x3f8 - 0x3fb: 0 0x3fc - 0x3ff: big endian CRC32 of 0-0x3ff (with 0 in CRC field) If setUserDsLcdData() called: 0x400: 0x9f 0x401: 0xff 0x402 - 0x47f: LCD contents, padded with spaces (0x20) split into 6 lines of 21 chars, top-to-bottom, left-to-right Robot -> NetConsole Destination, port 6666 All data is console output DS -> Dashboard Dashboard Dst Port 1165 1018 bytes 0x0-0x1: Packet number (big endian) 0x2: DS Digital inputs 0x3: DS Digital outputs 0x4: Battery voltage (integer portion in BCD) 0x5: Battery voltage (fractional portion in BCD) 0x6: Current control byte (FRCCommonControlData.control) 0x7: Error bit field 0x8: Upper 2 digits of team number as integer (e.g. 2 for 294) 0x9: Lower 2 digits of team number as integer (e.g. 94 for 294) 0xa-0x11: DS version ("10020800" for 2010 DS 1.1 []) 0x12-0x17: ? 0x18-0x19: Reply packets sent (little endian) 0x1a: User Data update number (from setStatusData()) 0x1b-0x1e: User string length (32-bit big endian) 0x1f - X: User string X+1 - X+4: Error string length (32-bit big endian) X+5 - Y: Error string Y+1 - Y+4: User data length (32-bit big endian) Y+5 - 0x3f1: User data 0x3f2 - 0x3f5: 0 0x3f6 - 0x3f9: big endian CRC32 of 0-0x3f9 (with 0 in CRC field) DS -> Robot (2) DS Src Port: 750 Robot Dst Port: 17185 64 bytes 0x0-0x1: Packet number? counts up 0x2: ? (0xb8) 0x3: ? (0xbd) 0x4-0xa: ? (0) 0xb: ? (0x02) 0xc-0xf: ? (0x55) 0x10-0x13: ? (1, big endian) 0x14-0x27: ? (0) 0x28-0x2b: response number? counts down (big endian) 0x2c-0x2f: ? (0x3c, big endian) 0x30: ? (0x12) 0x31: ? (0xcc) 0x32-0x33: counter? counts up 0x34-0x38: ? (0x02, big endian) 0x39-0x3f: ? (0) Robot -> DS (2) Sent in response. Robot Src Port: 17185 DS Dst Port: 750 36 bytes 0x0-0x1: Echoed packet number 0x2-0x3: 0xb8bd (matches sent packet?) 0x4-0x7: ? (1, big endian) 0x8-0x17: ? (0) 0x18-0x1b: ? (0xffffffde big endian, -34) 0x1c-0x1e: ? (0) 0x1f: ? (0x20) 0x20-0x23: ? (0)